Make sure your company is ADA compliant by going through the ADA check list. There are four main priorities when assessing if your facility is ADA compliant.
Today, we are going to go into further detail about the first priority: if your facility has an accessible approach and entrance.
The ADA believes that disabilities should never hinder people's ability to "arrive on site, approach the building, and enter as freely as everyone else." There are a few items to check off the check list to make sure your facility has an accessible approach and entrance. The ADA has put together a checklist to help assess the degree to which your facility is ADA compliant.
1. Stairs should not be required to enter.
2. The walkway is "stable, firm and slip-resistant."
3. The walkway should be at least 36 inches wide.
4. Objects protruding into the circulation paths must be detectable by a person with a visual disability using a cane.
5. Curbs must have curb cuts at drives, parking, and drop off.
1. Your facility must have an adequate number of accessible parking spaces.
Total Spaces | Accessible |
1 to 25 | 1 space |
26 to 50 | 2 spaces |
51 to 75 | 3 spaces |
2. There should be parking spaces available for lift vans.
3. Access aisles should be part of the accessible route to the accessible entrance.
4. Parking spaces for disabled should be closest to the appropriate exit and entrance.
5. Spaces should be clearly marked, and van accessible spaces should be marked "Van Accessible."
6. There must be a procedure in place to make certain that only those in need use the accessible spaces.
This list is extensive but very important. Make sure to go through the list and make note of the changes that need to be made to your facility. There are various ways to make these changes, some more simple than you may think. For instance, guardrails and ramps may be installed in a short amount of time. In addition, slip resistant, corrosion resistant fibreglass grating can be easily installed to become your new ramp and landing solutions. These and many other simple solutions are available to help your facility comply with the ADA.
Americans with Disabilities Act. (2010, September 15). Retrieved March 5, 2014, from 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design: